The last trade fair of the year for BUSS AG was Plast Eurasia 2021. From 1 to 4 December in Istanbul, BUSS was at the booth of its agent of many years, PLM, and quite pleased about the many interesting discussions. Area Sales Manager Gianluca Tregnago summarised: “After the long break from attending exhibitions owing to the pandemic, the delight at finally being able to meet in person and maintain contacts was clearly noticeable.”
The two flagship models of the COMPEO series, sizes 137 and 176, were presented at the fair, with a focus on the diverse range of application, the enormous power and robustness, and energy efficiency and ease of maintenance. Because the COMPEO is built in standardised modules, BUSS can meet virtually all customer requirements with the COMPEO series (55-88-110-137-176).
The fair showed once again that the newest generation of compounding systems is in demand. Gianluca Tregnago emphasised, “The optimistic mood of the industry has been confirmed. After nearly two years without significant exhibitions and with investments held back, we see pent-up demand on the part of customers, which was also reflected in the high quality of the discussions. For both cable applications and bioplastics, Plast Eurasia was an optimal opportunity to deepen discussions on projects.”
BUSS is looking forward to participating in trade fairs again next year. The first one will be participation in INTERPLASTICA 2022 at the Swiss Pavilion in Moscow, Russia.
Dates | Exhibition | Hall/ Booth |
25–28 January 2022 | INTERPLASTICA 2022,
Moscow, Russia |
2.2 / 2E06 |