Russia in winter is not for everyone, but our BUSS team is having a great time at the Interplastica in Moscow. The leading trade fair for plastics and rubber in Russia and Eastern Europe is coming to an end today. And it has been quite busy during the last three days. All our major clients visited the BUSS stand to inform themselves about the new compounder generation COMPEO. Frank Knittel, our Head of Sales EMERA, reports of promising, high-quality discussions about our innovative COMPEO technology and all its benefits. The broad application range, its modularity, the discharge concept, an increased robustness, user-friendliness, the long service life, …. the visitors at our stand couldn’t decide which feature of COMPEO was the most convincing. Luckily, they don’t have to!
The BUSS team says спасибо (“spasibo”) to everyone who stopped by! Have a safe trip home and enjoy the weekend!
Read more about the features and benefits of COMPEO here: